ISO 9001-2015 Certified & crisil rated
Manufacture of sewage treatment plant and wastewater treatment plant with Reverse osmosis plant
Sewage Treatment Plant
Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer in Chennai
Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer, Supplier, Dealer In Chennai Tamilnadu India
We design, manufacturing erection & commissioning Sewage treatment plants for varied industries on a turnkey basis in Chennai Tamilnadu India. We Design, Fabricate, Supply, Erect, and Commission Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) for treating sewage generated by Industry, large colonies, Hotels, Hospitals, IT Parks, and commercial buildings.
RRR ENVIRO SYSTEMS offers a wide variety of options for purification of sewage water from different sources either from toilet kitchen, washbasin, etc... Source of Domestic sewage Water Wastewater comes from ordinary living processes: bathing, toilet flushing, laundry, dishwashing, etc. It comes from residential and domestic sources.
Wastewater is broken into two categories, depending upon the source.
1. Gray water: Gray water is from showers, baths, whirlpool tubs, washing machines, dishwashers, and sinks other than the kitchen sink.
2. Black water: Black water is from toilets and kitchen sinks.
Characteristics of domestic sewage
Wastewater Treatment Requirements
All wastewater must be treated.
Cannot be discharged to the land, or to surface or groundwater.
It cannot be used for irrigating a lawn, to fill a pond, run through a pipe to a nearby stream, or dumped to a cesspool.
You may hear of gray water being used for irrigation in other (arid) states. Even in those states, this must be treated and disinfected prior to use We offer new Sewage Treatment Plants with advanced technology like ASP, MBBR, FBBR, SBR etc. Being cost economic solutions, we capitalize on the innovative technology that allows us to design and develop superior quality sewage treatment plants.
Further our expertise lies in planning plants as per requirement in areas like:
Municipal corporation
IT park
Guesthouse & villas
Housing societies
Commercial Complexes
Multiple complexes
Residential Apartments
Residential complexes
Industrial organizations
Educational institutions
Sewage Treatment Plant – Conventional Activated Sludge Process (ASP)
Conventional activated sludge systems commonly include an aeration tank and a secondary clarifier. Aerobic biomass reduces the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and ammonia concentrations in the aeration tank. Biomass then flows to the secondary clarifier, where it is separated into clarified water and thickened biomass by gravity sedimentation.
The clarified treated water overflows at the top of the secondary clarifier, and the thickened biomass is recycled to the aeration tank or managed at sludge dewatering facilities.
Extended aeration is a method of sewage treatment using modified activated sludge procedures. It is preferred for relatively small waste loads, where lower operating efficiency is offset by mechanical simplicity.
An Activated Sludge Plant involves:
Wastewater aeration in the presence of a microbial suspension,
Solid-liquid separation following aeration,
Discharge of clarified effluent,
Wasting of excess biomass, and
Return of remaining biomass to the aeration tank.
In the activated sludge process wastewater containing organic matter is aerated in an aeration basin in which microorganisms metabolize the suspended and soluble organic matter.
Part of organic matter is synthesized into new cells and part is oxidized to CO2 and water to derive energy. In activated sludge systems the new cells formed in the reaction are removed from the liquid stream in the form of a flocculent sludge in settling tanks.
A part of this settled biomass, described as activated sludge is returned to the aeration tank and the remaining forms waste or excess sludge.
Moving Bed Bio Reactor (MBBR)
Moving Bed Bio-Reactor (MBBR) processes improve reliability, simplify operation, and require less space than traditional wastewater treatment systems (ASP).
MBBR technology employs thousands of polyethylene biofilm carriers operating in mixed motion within an aerated wastewater treatment basin. Each individual bio carrier increases productivity through providing protected surface area to support the growth of heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria within its cells. It is this high-density population of bacteria that achieves high-rate biodegradation within the system, while also offering process reliability and ease of operation.
This technology provides cost-effective treatment with minimal maintenance since MBBR processes self-maintain an optimum level of productive biofilm. Additionally, the biofilm attached to the mobile bio carriers within the system automatically responds to load fluctuations. The advantages that are attached with this technology are:
Compact Design – A fraction of the size of ASP
Expandable – Capacity could be easily upgraded by increasing the biofilm carrier
No Return activated sludge stream required
High Response to shock load
Minimal maintenance of MLSS
Moving Bed Biological Reactor
The Ionberg provides clients Moving Bed Biological Reactor that primarily removes wastewater in three stages that are Primary Settlement, Aeration and Final Settlement. This robust treatment plant is simple in design and suitable for broad range of applications. This system can be supplied and installed with air blowers. Apart from this, minimum civil work is required.
Primary Settlement: Initial settlement of wastewater and separation of gross solids occurs in the primary settlement tank. The gross solids in the wastewater form sludge at the bottom of the tank and lighter social debris forms a crust on the surface. The settled liquor that is contained between the sludge and crust passes forward through an outlet filter for treatment in the Aeration Chamber.
Aeration: The Moving Bed Biological Reactor (MBBR) employs a submerged media onto which micro organisms attach. This biomass requires oxygen to flourish. This is supplied by aerating the liquid in the chamber. The biomass retained on the media provides effective treatment for effluent. The media are kept in motion by the course bubble aeration. The air introduced into the tank ensures thorough mixing and turnover of the media within the reactor.
Final Settlement: The effluent passes forward for the final stage of treatment and enters the final settlement tank through a stilling well. This slows the velocity of the effluent and allows any remaining fine solids to settle. The base of the tank is coned allowing final settlement of the effluent to take place with minimal disturbance to any settled particles. The return sludge pump is located at the base of the tank and any remaining fine solids are returned via a sludge return line to the primary settlement tank. The treated effluent emerges from the system through the outlet for disposal.
Benefits of MBBR
High Treated effluent Quality
Small Footprint
Robust Treatment Plant (concrete tanks)
Below Ground Installation
Simplicity of Design, Installation & Operation
Suitable for a Broad Range of Applications
The MBBR treatment process can be provided for a new sewage treatment works or for retrofitting or upgrading existingwastewater treatment plants where a higher treated effluent.
Advantages over Conventional ASP
The MBBR system is a great improvement over Conventional Extended Aeration or Activated Sludge Plants and provides a robust and compact unit in a fully enclosed design. No sludge re-circulation is required to maintain MLSS as in the case of a conventional aeration system. Can be designed to any size to deal with larger flow and loads.
Around- 10 m3 to 1000 m3/day fine bubble diffused aeration used generally reduces the energy requirements as compared to surface aerators. The tank does not need to be drained for access to the diffusers or media.
MBBR system takes higher shock loads without reducing the plant performance because of a large quantity of MLSS available inside the reactor. FAB supports low sludge generation, low Adour, and low Visual impact.
Maintenance requirements are simple.
Benefits :
Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) of 4-6 hours vs 10 – 16 Hours.
Solids Retention Time (SRT) of 15-365 days, can vary based on flow without negative process impact.
Modular expandability.
Highest quality effluent.
Less susceptible to upsets due to flow variations.
Less odor.
Simple, yet sophisticated.
Moving Bed Bio-Reactor systems deliver a flexible, cost-effective, and easy-to-operate means to address current wastewater requirements and the expandability to meet future loads or more stringent discharge requirements within a compact design.
Submerged Aerobic Fixed Film (SAFF)
Submerged Aerated Fixed Films (SAFF) technology is a process used to reduce the organic loading of residential and
commercial sewage/wastewater, and in doing so will reduce the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and a significant quantity of Suspended Solids (SS) which if otherwise untreated would contaminate river and sea outfalls, in other words, it is used to
substantially improve effluent discharge quality.
As with traditional sewage treatment, Submerged Aerated Fixed Films technology uses three stages of dealing with commercial and residential sewage/wastewater:
Primary Settlement
Where larger solids settle into the bottom of the primary tank and are removed periodically as sludge, and where other buoyant materials float upwards to be removed usually by a scraping/screening method.
Secondary Treatment
Where larger solids settle into the bottom of the primary tank and are removed periodically as sludge, and where other buoyant materials float upwards to be removed usually by a scraping/screening method.
Final Settlement / Clarification
The usual design criteria is to produce an effluent quality typically better than BOD 30 mg/l & SS better than 100 mg/l. Without additional nitrification and treating, normal domestic sewage ammonia discharges are around 10 mg/l.
The usual design criteria is to produce an effluent quality typically better than BOD 30 mg/l & SS better than 100 mg/l. Without additional nitrification and treating, normal domestic sewage ammonia discharges are around 10 mg/l.
Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)
The Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) is an Activated Sludge Process designed to operate under non-steady state conditions. An SBR operates in a true batch mode with aeration and sludge settlement both occurring in the same tank. The major differences between SBR and conventional continuous-flow, activated sludge system is that the SBR tank carries out the functions of equalization aeration and sedimentation in a time sequence rather than in the conventional space sequence of continuous-flow systems. In addition, the SBR system can be designed with the ability to treat a wide range of influent volumes whereas the continuous system is based upon a fixed influent flow rate. Thus, there is a degree of flexibility associated with working in a time rather than in a space sequence.
SBR produce sludge with good settling properties providing the influent wastewater is admitted into the aeration in a controlled manner. Controls range from a simplified float and timer based system with a PLC to a PC based SCADA system with color graphics using either flow proportional aeration or dissolved oxygen controlled aeration to reduce aeration to reduce energy consumption and enhance the selective pressures for BOD, nutrient removal, and control of filaments. An appropriately designed SBR process is a unique combination of equipment and software. Working with automated control reduces the number of operator skill and attention requirement.
Proven and tested methodology all over the world for the last 7‐8 decades.
• Several modifications available for specific requirements.
• Uninterrupted power supply required for aeration and sludge recirculation.
• Reactor sludge levels to be carefully monitored and sludge is to be withdrawn from the system.
• 80‐90% removal of bacteria.
• 90‐99% removal of viruses
Advantages :
Better resistance to sludge bulking than other types of activated sludge systems.
No need for external clarifiers.
No need for external clarifiers.
Greater system flexibility and control than other types of activated sludge systems.
Less land required and less processing equipment to maintain than other types of activated sludge systems
Greater ability to meet effluent limitations (organic and nutrient) than other types of activated sludge waste/ Wastewater treatment systems.
Can retrofit existing tanks, basins, and ponds.
Low maintenance and user friendly design.
Eliminates all diffusers and associated network costs.
Eliminates all diffusers and associated network costs.
Easy to integrate nitrification/ denitrification cycles and to facilitate biological phosphorus removal.
Eliminates the need for separate mixers.
Surface mounted allows for ease of inspection and maintenance.
Tested and proven controls package.
Eliminates final clarifiers and associated pumping.
Multi-reactor Batch and Single-reactor Continuous Flow designs available.
Combined Sewage Treatment Plants (CSTP) :
We offer a wide range of Combined Sewage cum Effluent Treatment Plants that satisfies two purposes simultaneously. These are efficiently designed to treat and manage both sewage and effluent at the same time. This plant proficiently drains out water from sewage and effluents and hence making it usable for other application such as gardening, farming and washing. Our range of combined sewage cum effluent treatment plants is available in standard specification and can also be customized to meet the varied requirements of our clients.
Many times it is found that the treated Effluent from the ETP can’t be directly used for gardening because of non-compliance of certain parameters, in that case it is advisable to treat this effluent in the STP to get the desired limits under control.
Features :
Low cost.
Very Compact in size.
Better control on the limiting standards.
Sewage Treatment Plants are installed and commissioned at various industries for treating waste before discharging them into water bodies. The plant receives the waste from domestic, commercial and industrial sources and removes the harmful materials from the sewage that damage water quality. The prime objective of a sewage treatment plant is to make the industrial effluents free from elements that are harmful for human and environment.
Working Principle
Preliminary Treatment: Removal of coarse solids and other large materials found in raw wastewater
Primary Treatment: Removal of settle-able organic and inorganic solids by sedimentation, and the removal of float-able materials by skimming
Secondary Treatment: Removal of residual organics and suspended solids
All these sewage treatment plants are used for treating sewage and effluents coming out from commercial establishments, residential areas and industries.